On your premise
Synchronizing application periodically synchronizes your Loan Origination data to our Sql Server database. The skill web application on IIS receives alexa skill commands, fetches data from the database and sends directives to the alexa service cloud. Periodically checks database for updates and sends notifications to account-linked users. Data security is guaranteed as no data leaves your premise.
User enables your skill and provides permissions for name, email, address and notifications. Account linking is done using Login With Amazon OAUTH provider. User Email is matched (orderwise) to borrower, co-borrower, LoanOfficer, Processor, Realtor, TitleOfficer, EscrowOfficer emails in our sql server database (fetched from your Loan Origination System). Dynamic data is provided to Account Linked Users.
Non-Account linked Users can use the skill as a talking static website and to generate new leads. Complete Functionality of your skill is customized as per your requirement.